Design Assistant Journal

Internal Placement

On my first day of internal placement, all first and third year students, had a briefing from head of fashion Paul Rawson about internal placement and how it works. We were explained about the process and important information about what will happen during the internal placement. We were then allocated to our respective third year students, whom we were going to work with. We introduced ourselves briefly on the first day. We exchanged our contact details, so that we can contact each other about timing and days to meet up to work together. I was allocated to Morteza Varzegani.

Ideas and inspiration

On my first day of working in studio, Morteza explained to me about his designs. His designs were inspired by movie called “Charles Bronson”. Charles Bronson was one of the most violent prisoner in UK. While he spent most of his years in prison, he occupied himself by producing pieces of artwork. Morteza’s research work included, visuals of Charles Bronson drawings, abandon places (mental hospitals), pictures of people in prison, CCTV cameras etc.



Materials and techniques

He was working with delicate fabrics like silk. His fabrics colour was off white and muted and transparent. When I asked, why he used silk fabric, he explained to me about a painting called “Rembrandt”, which portrays a Bible story about the nature of God’s forgiveness for those who sin. The painting is the story about a woman caught in adultery, but was forgiven; the fact that even the prisoners were treated fairly and with kindness, and that helped Morteza to choose the fabric such as silk in transparent white colour. I learned about finding inspirations from uncommon sources and the process of converting inspiration into ideas and then ideas into design.


We made samples using eyelets on fabrics. I was shown by him on how to use the eyelet machine. I helped him sorting out the eyelets pieces.


I also got the opportunity to help another third-year student, when Morteza didn’t need help. I did the basic things like ironing her fabric and helped her cut fabric into long strap pieces. All pieces were measured then cut into same size pieces and the edges were left to fray as part of aesthetic.


Continuing my placement with Morteza, I helped him do the pattern cutting. He asked me to pattern cut different pieces for linings and trouser pieces. He told me pattern cutting is one of the important part, while doing internship with the company in the 2nd year, because, lot of the times we will be asked to do pattern cutting. I also did some overlocking on few of his pattern pieces.


In the connection of his initial research, he got many elements from abandon mental hospitals. He was rust dyeing his fabric himself. Unfortunately, I couldn’t get to help him with that, because he was doing that from home. However, he explained me the process.


Below is the picture of the toile of his design.


The Internal Fashion Show

We started quite early around 8:30am. Morteza explained to me about dressing model, because his designs had many layers and it was quite complicated.


Below, is the picture of three looks of his design. I helped him with arranging and putting the designs in order. He was specific about hiding the face of the model as part of aesthetic. I learned that, attention to detail is very important from top to buttom including hairstyle and make up. Every tiny detail matters.


There were times we just sat and waited for the show to begin. Below, are some of the photographs of Morteza’s designs. The show was a success and I am glad that his designs got selected for the press show. I am looking forward to helping him for the press show. The internal fashion show was fun and exciting and I got to see how the show works.





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